3 March 2014

Binary Options (Part 2)


Right now most of you may be thinking that no one would be lucky enough to win all trades but also no one will be unlucky enough to lose all trades.
For binary options sites that offer at least 51% profits for successfull trades you will need at least 2 successfull trades for every 3 trades you make. 
First, lets do some simple math

You have $1000

Starting Trade Capital   :   $100
Trade #     Profit($)     Total Profit($)  
Final Trade Capital   :   $162

Anything less than that and you make a loss.

Sounds like an easy job right. No. Not really. Lets look at a real trading account.

As you can see I made 1 win out of 5 trades which is a terrible loss.
All these trades were recommended to me by my "Personal Trader" who is supposed to be a "guru" of some sorts and yet I made this much of a loss. Either that or he was planning on stealing my money from the beginning for the sake of his company. Who knows?!

So should I join?

Warning : This is my personal opinion from my personal l experience.

If you can stay away from binary options then avoid it like a plague. Stay away from it. Like your life depended on it. Think of binary options as something like the sun. It may be usefull for alot of things but look at what happened to Mercury for getting too close. You will be burned (metaphorically)
If the "gurus" can not handle it then how can you?
Binary Options is about probability and chance. Guess what? So is poker and gambling.
Do not throw your money away.
You can view other people's opinions here

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